Potters Bits

A look at potters gadgets and their use

We have been looking at some of the local potters tools and gadgets. As former engineering types we saw that a few small improvements could be made on some of the more common existing designs, and we set out to try and make some useful tools, often as quite small modifications to existing designs.

We are grateful for the help, comments and very constructive criticism that has come from our friends and colleagues among the Anglian Potters community, and look forward to your comments on each item as we look at it.

Some of the ideas for these tools have been shamelessly stolen borrowed from our friends and colleagues, others we accept the blame for. Many of them are based on ideas from antiquity, and we are sure that you will recognise the origins of most of them. If you are interested in any of the items please contact us. We aim to show drawings of those you might reasonably make for yourselves.


Cathy D'Arcy uses one of our extruders to make her ceramic animals. She kindly helped us shoot a video of her using the extruder to make her fabulous cats. We hope to bring more videos of our users when we get the chance.

We look forward to seeing your comments on each of the items - we hope they inspire your potting, and provide us with feedback, or even ideas for further development. We hope you will send us sketches and notes of your own gadgets that you are happy to share with the general potter community.
